Online Courses
- Stress & Trauma Wellness CourseR480.00Assist the participant to learn more about the causes and implications of stress. Identify potential sources of stress & to develop an awareness to improve your quality of life. Provide coping strategies for avoiding distress. Understanding the difference between stress and trauma. Understand the grieving stages and to take care of oneself after a traumatic event. Identify potential sources of trauma. Develop an awareness of Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder. Provide coping strategies.
- The Power of Forgiveness CourseR480.00I am using a Biblical approach according to Gods’ Word and sharing my own practical experience with permission. The objective of this training programme is to define Forgiveness. To summarize the steps in the forgiveness process and to apply what the participant has learned to real-life situations. The focus will also be upon gaining a more grounded understanding of the process of forgiveness and its potential impact upon emotional and relational healing.
- Bereavement Counselling & Palliative Care CourseR480.00When dealing with trauma, the helper is often faced with helping people through the grieving process, because trauma involves the death of a loved one. In order to effectively help people through the grieving process, it is necessary for helpers to develop an understanding of what emotional pain and loss really entails.
- Burn-Out & Aiding RecoveryR480.00When life is seen as exciting and filled with opportunities. We often hear people talking about someone suffering from burn-out. Do we really understand what burn-out means? This on-line course will equip you to recognise signs and symptoms and to become aware of the impact with and aid of a Recovery Plan and Self-Care in the most effective way.
- Suicide Prevention AwarenessR480.00As human beings, the idea that people try to or even commit suicide is very upsetting to us. We become very judgemental and vocal on the subject of suicides: "You know there are so many people fighting for their lives in the Hospice or ICUs in hospital, how would anybody want to commit suicide?" Each one of us has a responsibility to be aware of suicide symptoms and try to prevent it. Be a friend, look out for each other.
- Domestic ViolenceR480.00Domestic violence is a serious problem that occurs in every culture and social group. It has devastating physical, emotional, financial and social effects on women, children, families and communities around the world. One of the most difficult things for a survivor of violence to do is to find the courage to tell someone they are being abused. If you have chose as the one to disclose to, there is a reason that this trust has been placed in you, so trust yourself that you are the most appropriate person for the survivor at this time!
- Pastoral Care & Counselling Online CourseR480.00Counselling conversation by and large have the purpose of helping a person to solve a problem he or she is struggling with, through identifying and activating their own resources, or enlisting the resources of others to overcome the problem. The primary purpose of the pastoral conversation, however, is to help a person to reconnect or connect more deeply with God. In this it differs from the agendas of all therapeutic, social work and counselling approaches. The pastoral conversation only aims for one kind of change and that is a change in the person’s relationship with God.