Domestic Violence Online Course

Domestic violence is a serious problem that occurs in every culture and social group. It has devastating physical, emotional, financial and social effects on women, children, families and communities around the world.

One of the most difficult things for a survivor of violence to do is to find the courage to tell someone they are being abused. If you have chose as the one to disclose to, there is a reason that this trust has been placed in you, so trust yourself that you are the most appropriate person for the survivor at this time!


  • Introduction to Domestic Violence, Recognizing the Signs, Signs of an Abusive Relationship
  • Types of Domestic Abuse, Why men batter? Why do women stay in an abusive relationship.
  • A pastoral and psychological approach to domestic violence in South Africa, Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998, Pastoral Care and Counselling, The cycle of Violence
  • What to do when a woman asks for supportive resources for domestic violence, Breaking the cycle, Where to seek Help
  • What is a Protection Order, A step-by-step guide to apply for a protection order, Helpful contact numbers and services. (Hand Out – Domestic Violence Cycle)

5-6 Credit Hours
5 CPD Points


Overview (Watch):