Stress & Trauma Online Course

Each day we choose how to live this priceless treasure. When we are at peace and harmony with ourselves and others, we perceive its, beauty, joy and challenges. When life is seen as exciting and filled with opportunities. Stress is the spice of life. Stress as a stimulation becomes disease and discomfort when it negatively affects our body, mind and spirit. This on-line course will equip you to recognise signs and symptoms of stress and trauma and how to deal with it in the most effective way.


– Assist the participant to learn more about the causes and implications of stress.
– Identify potential sources of stress & to develop an awareness to improve quality of life.
– Provide coping strategies for avoiding distress.
– Understanding the difference between stress and trauma.
– Understand the grieving stages and to take care of oneself after a traumatic event.
– Identify potential sources of trauma.
– Develop an awareness of Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder.
– Provide coping strategies.

5-6 Credit Hours
6 CPD Points


Overview (Watch):