I am bigger than anything that can happen to me.  All these things, sorrow, misfortune, doubt and disappointment are outside my door.  I am in the  house and I have the key.  Charles Lummis


You are full of capabilities, gifts and talents.  So what are you doing with your life? Do not stay in the boat like the disciples did.  Peter said, “Lord, I want to walk on the water with you!” It is time to step out and do the thing you desire to do. Do not allow anything to hold you back.  Be confident in what you are doing.

Do you have a vision for your life and want to do something greater than what you are doing?

Be a rare individual who jumps out of the boat and refuses to live afraid.  Fear is always going to come against you.  Jesus says, “Take courage, it is I.”

Have you got the confidence to get out of the boat and join Peter? You may wonder what your boat is.  Maybe a place of comfort or safety, or it coud be a place of misery. Most people yield to the fear and remain stuck in life.

Maybe your boat consists of peoples’ approval you crave.  Step out in confidence and follow God fully. Perhaps you are not even in the boat and still on the shore.

Be positive concerning what you can do and not worrying about what you cannot do.  It is opening to learning, to allow yourself to walk through life’s challenges and to unleash your abilities.