Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.
(Napoleon Hill)
It is not how a person starts a race; but how one endures to the final bell or moment to finish well.
There can be many obstacles and challenges, some will fall out of the race, some will make excuses,
some will give up and some will take the challenge. But believe and endure with a good attitude
for the final round.
The question you will one day be asked, is: “What did you do with what I gave you, your gifts, talents,
abilities, education, opportunities and time? Did you use it well?”
We are running against opportunities God has given us and are not competing against each other,
but rather competing against ourselves.
Now keep on and don’t quit.
God has given us tremendous resources that one can use to accomplish the task to get the work
done. He has made us who we are and has placed us where we are for a greater purpose. If we are
faithful at what God has given to us, He is going to give us more.
So, make your life count! The challenge for all of us today, is to live for Gods’ approval by
finishing well, in God’s will.
Let us fight the good fight, finish the course, keep the faith and focus on Jesus.
Matthew 25:23
His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things;
I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happinness!”